New Orleans: WoD is a roleplaying sim based around the Vampire: The Masquerade RPG. It's set in a post-Katrina New Orleans (kinda makes all the water surrounding the sim a little creepy), and because it's an 'immersive' roleplaying area, visitors have to wear a 'tourist' sign when they come to look around or shop. Yes, you can shop. There's ALWAYS shops in SL.

Here's an overview of the sim:
French Quarter

The sim doesn't include all the city--just the French Quarter and surrounding area. But no Jackson Square!
Toulouse and Bourbon

The build is really detailed and fun to poke around in. Lots of tiny alleys, some leading to courtyards and some dead ends (probably good for vampire attacks or the like).
St. Louis and Bourbon

The street layout is pretty much the same as in RL, though the streets are very narrow! The buildings aren't the same, but the feel is close and some of the colors/shapes are quite similar. I looked at a few comparisons with google streetview, which was fun.
Royal and St. Louis

One thing I just love is when builder's put random poseballs around their sim. Here's one that said 'loiter'.

Being a west-coastie, I went kind of late and there weren't any vampires around (which seems kind of wrong, doesn't it?). The game premise looks interesting, but it is very much based on the paper RPG which I don't really know anything about. There's a forum for the game here.

More loitering, this time with booze!

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