So I've been playing around in Second Life a lot lately. Aside from going dancing with Bonibaru and playing 3D dress-up way too much, I've also done some exploring. Here's my trip to SL Seattle!

Standing on the monorail rail. They never let you do this for real. Check out my Mrs. Peel outfit!

Riding the monorail--the only tourist in sight is the blue poseball! Of course he had to sit right next to me.

Doing the Dark Angel pose on the Space Needle. I couldn't actually sit on the roof part, as they didn't make that solid.

The Space Needle is a huge build! Look how tiny I am.

After the Space Needle, I went to Westlake. It's nearly empty, like a ghost mall. I felt like the last woman alive.

So I rode on the escalator, but it had a slight malfunction.

When I stood up and looked around, I saw I wasn't the last person alive at all! There was a guy with fresh-off-Help-Island skin wandering around. He came over and said hello.

The next thing out of his mouth was "So how old are you?"

"104," I said, my finger ready to teleport out.

"That's cool, I'm 105," he said.

So I talked to him for another minute because he had a sense of humor. But then he asked when we could make out, so I told him to get a new skin and try a club or an escort service. Maybe I should've worn a male skin for exploring...? But I love my Emma Peel catsuit!

After that, I needed a cup of coffee. Good thing the downtown Starbucks--er, SLarbucks was empty!

Then I went back to the Space Needle and Seattle Center and rode on the saddest ride in the world.

Or maybe the Ferris Wheel was the saddest. I clicked on the 'ride alone' poseball, and sat facing the 'male' and 'female' poseballs while they canoodled.

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