So I made a building! It only took eleventy-billion tries, too. I had so many problems with the flickery seams thing, until I found prim docker. Thank goodness for prim docker. Did you know sometimes a prim will move just a teensy little bit when you click it to edit? I didn't, until I noticed the crappy seams and re-checked my position numbers. So. Frustrating.

Rear view:
I made a building

Front view:
I made a building (part 2)

Inside, a loft (ooh, how completely uncommon! /me rolls her eyes):
I made a building (part 3)

Downstairs, workshoppy-area:
I made a building (part 4)

And the roof:
I made a building (part 5)

It's just a simple boxy-structure, but I think I learned a lot by building it.

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