Oddment is participating in the Twisted Hunt [starting SLURL] again, and has two prizes in the little spinny box. The hunt starts tomorrow! (Oddment is number 104, so stick it out, peeps.)

A unisex tattoo:
batty little tattoo

And a batty little tree with touch toggle bat particles:
batty little tree

There's also a mini-hunt starting tomorrow at the Shopatorium (where Oddment has an outlet). Look in and around the shops for apples! Oddment has three apples hidden!

I added a second luckyboard, just 'cos. And the prize is a Ratticorn lounge! Exclusive to the board, you have to win it to get it.

Ratticorn lounge

Both boards are set on a five minute turnover, so your chances are good!

luckyboards @ my shop

At Oddment.

I've added a luckyboard to Oddment's main location. The first prize is a 26 prim egg-plant.

I'd made the plant, and then I was talking with a certain chicken-crazed friend (who shall remain nameless) and decided to make it extra special. Touch each egg and it gives out a sionChicken toy shaped like that egg. Pretty and fun!

The board is set on 5 minutes, so people should have a good chance of winning.

egg-plant -- lucky board prize

Also a set of hanging starlights for your ceiling.

hanging starlights

So I made an avatar for a near and dear dork. And said dork then insisted I put it up for sale. So here goes. If you're on plurk, you will get it right away. I threw in some goofy freebie dances for extra dorkiness.

In action:

Buy it @ Oddment or on xstreet.

"Wear your heart on your sleeve" arm cuff available at Oddment or on xstreet.

"wear your heart on your sleeve" arm cuff